There are several variations on to doing Copic color runs or two toned Copic Blending and I know for some it can feel really intimidating. So today I'm coloring the Power Poppy TULIPS IN HOBNAIL PITCHER Digital Stamp and while this variation is a wee bit more complex than some, with some planning it becomes tons easier than you think.
You can watch the video on how I made my cards HERE. You can also click the thumbnail link below.
Half the battle to a good color run is making sure the markers you use are going to play nice with each other. That's not to say you can't use tougher blends. You can, but I'm talkin bout workin smarter not harder here folks.
Although I was using two different color families, I went with markers that were close within those color families. In other words, the markers in the yellow color family was a blending trio, buuuut they also had a direct blending relation to the green color family.
Half the battle to a good color run is making sure the markers you use are going to play nice with each other. That's not to say you can't use tougher blends. You can, but I'm talkin bout workin smarter not harder here folks.
Although I was using two different color families, I went with markers that were close within those color families. In other words, the markers in the yellow color family was a blending trio, buuuut they also had a direct blending relation to the green color family.
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Choosing your colored pencils isn't much different. I mean you want everybody to get along. Be sure to watch the VIDEO folks. I talk more about this, but also you won't buh-lieve the color I chose to ge those shadows on the tulips!
From here on out everything else is a matter of taking your time. I wouldn't even call this one a sprint. More like a Sunday stroll. Take your time and enjoy it. Do that and you're golden.
That's it!
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Until next time.

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