Sunday, March 2, 2014

Tea time

The weather has been interesting this last week for sure. We had a snow storm last weekend. Then we had a beautiful sunny day. Then it got nasty again. It was bad enough on Friday that the schools and the mall closed! Schools very rarely close here and it's gotta be really bad for retail stores on a Friday to close early. Yikes! All of this would be fine and dandy, but I spent 3 hours on Tuesday shoveling snow and then Wednesday morning, I slipped off the running board getting in to our truck. I hit my head, bruised up one side of my body and some how managed to sprain my left arm. Ugh. I'm done, I quit, I'm over it!

Alrighty, moving on...I'm up and mobile and I felt good enough to finish my project, so all is well.

A couple of weeks ago I made the Victorian Teapot from the Honeybee Tea SVG kit from SVG Cuts. What a fun file, with soo many possibilities! I was curious if i could do a little tweaking and turn the pot into a sugar bowl and creamer. Well wouldn't ya know, it was actually really easy! 

I was going for the classic china look, so I did everything in white.  I wanted the accent color to be in a lighter blue, maybe more of a cobalt blue, but I didn't have anything like that on hand, so navy blue it was. I also thought about inking the rim of all the pieces in blue, like real china, but I was too nervous that I would ruin all of the beautiful white! The flower on the front of all the pieces is called Danish Flower by Samantha Walker. I downloaded this from the Silhouette Online Store. I made them so big, but my cutting mat is dying so I needed them to cut clean. The doily under the pot is Doily #1 from Doilies SVG kit from SVG Cuts
Like I was saying, turning the teapot into sugar and creamer containers was really easy. I shrank both by 50%.  For the sugar bowl, I ungrouped the pot1.svg file (has a 2 on bottom tab) and pot_panels1.svg file. Then I deleted the piece out of each file that had the hole for the spout. After that, I ungrouped pot2.svg and pot_panels2.svg and duplicated the pieces with the holes in them. The piece with the #6 on the bottom tab and the panel with holes replaced the pieces I deleted. I made sure to cut out 2 sets of handles and panels and just attached them with itty bitty white brads. I put a half moon cut in the lid piece and panel for the spoon. The creamer was even easier. I just replaced the deleted spout pieces with plain ones, left it with one handle and I didn't cut a lid for it. 
My plan was to just stop at those three pieces but I decide to make the tea cups ad well when I got the spoon from the  Tea For You and Me SVG kit. Then I added the  scalloped tea bag but A Little Hut from the Silhouette Online Store. The lemons are the Citrus Wedge file by Sarah Bailey also from the Silhouette Online Store.
Now on to my next project. I'm thinking something that has a major summer feel to it. Heat and sunshine would be fabulous!

* I was just told by one of the Lovely Ladies on SVG Cuts Facebook page that the flower I chose, the "Blue Fluted" flower, is a Royal flower in Denmark.  I knew that it was Danish (other than the name), because I had seen it on a tea service at one time. Which is why I chose it. I did not know however, it was Royal. The name Royal refers to the name of the company that manufactures this china and that it was originally made for the royal family. I should have done my research!

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